1. Papers must be unpublished and not submited simultaneosly for other publications.
  2. Works will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process by specialists, for whom the author's name will be hidden during the entire process.
  3. The possible results of the assessment process may be:
    • Approved without modifications
    • Conditioned to changes or modifications
    • Rejected
  4. For its publication, the paper must receive two positive veredicts
  5. In case of discrepancy the paper will be rejected.
  6. Given two similar results, as «approved without modifications» or «conditioned to changes», the Editorial Board will forward the article to the author for its review, mantaining at all times the anonymity of the referee. The author may write back to the Editorial Board commenting about the suggested changes or corrections arguing any possible rejection of such corrections or modifications.
  7. Authors will have a maximum period of 15 working days for the inclusion of the corrections suggested by the referees.
  8. The Call for Papers for each number will be issued on a yearly basis. After its publication, authors will have a 3 month period for submitting their papers.